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Policies and Procedures

For Physicians

Please feel free to contact us if you have a question about our policies and procedures.


Required Information

In order to limit wait times for consultations, please ensure that all referrals include:


  • an up to date CPP with patient/caregiver contact information

  • a full list of current medications

  • any relevant labs or imaging results


Please note: In accordance with the Ministry of Health's new Comprehensive and Limited Virtual Care Services, we require a new referral every 24 months in order to continue virtual care. If your patient wishes to continue with virtual visits, we will contact your office to request a re-referral when needed.

Sending a Referral

​​Please fax a general referral letter to Dr. Jarecki. We will contact the patient directly to book their consultation.​


Fax: 905-662-3320


Other Policies

Read our Policies and procedures for patients


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